Monday, January 30, 2012

I Am With You Heart and Soul

“Do all that is in your heart,” 
Jonathan's armor-bearer said.
“Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”
1 Samuel 14:7

Jonathan's armor-bearer was not named in scripture; this engaging mystery inspires me.  His anonymity, humility, unwavering dedication and his trust in God's faithfulness and power make me want to be a friend like he was to Jonathan.  (1 Samuel 14 - click here)  I believe the armor-bearer's namelessness is an honor given to him by God.

"Do all that is in your heart (NKJV).  Go ahead, I am with you heart and soul (NIV)" are the only words recorded in scripture that Jonathan's armor-bearer spoke.  His actions recorded in 1 Samuel 14 for us speak volumes. These little glimpses into his character encourage me and challenge me.  His servant's heart for Jonathan kindle my heart to be this kind of friend.

Loyal.  Honoring.  Supportive.  Loving.  Protective. Serving the Lord together. 

Committed heart and soul.

Humbled, I am thankful to the Lord for family and friends who are this to me.  Friends who know that loyalty, for me, includes gently and lovingly speaking the truth to me when I need to be challenged.  Friends who are supportive as they see me following God's leading.  Friends who are loving at all times (Proverbs 17:17) even as I am being refined.  Friends who are protective of me in truth and love.  Friends who honor me by simply not dishonoring me.  Friends with whom I serve the Lord shoulder to shoulder.

We don't know the name of Jonathan's armor-bearer, but he makes quite a godly impression.  I want to be that friend that quietly, simply and resolutely says, "Go ahead, I am with you heart and soul."  And with that love and dedication to God's truth comes victory and God's purposes fulfilled.

"So the LORD rescued His people that day..."
1 Samuel 14:23



Mama said...

I am doing a study on David, A Heart Like His. And I was stunned by the armor bearer's declaration of being with Jonathan, heart and soul. I've read it and pondered it and have been so inspired to study it more and more. And one of the things that puzzled me was why his name was never mentioned. I wanted to know who this man was. I just now googled his words, and your post is the one that caught my eye. And there it was...just the most thoughtful, wise, and beautiful meaning of this man's anonymity. Your thoughts make so much sense and touched my heart and inspired me. Because the armor bearers words intriguiged me so much that I wanted to know more about how to love God even more deeply; love Him even more heart and soul, just like your desire. God definitely put your post right in front of me and answered my questions and inspired me through you. Thank you, and may God continue to bless you richly.
Linda Davis

Mybabyboyrocks said...

I also feel that this anonymous armor bearer is proof and acknowledgment that people need people... we were created for community and communion. It illuminates how we all need encouragement and support, and how being this to someone else is a huge blessing to them, and to you.

If the armor bearer had hidden in fear instead, would God have brought them to victory that day? I don’t know, but I don’t think so.

And now that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the father, and the Holy Spirit is here among the living, I call on him in so many moments to be my armor bearer. My sidekick, my encourager, the one who brings my my armor of salvation.

Thank you, Jesus! We love you, Lord.